Installation Standards

Installation Standards

Carpet Installation

CRI Commercial (104) and Residential (105) Carpet Installation Standards

As the industry’s gold standard resource for commercial and residential carpet installation, the CRI Commercial (104) and Residential (105) standards provide installers, retailers, specification writers, and building owners with detailed principles and guidelines for carpet installation.

Representing more than 25 years of information-gathering and installation expertise, CRI’s Commercial (104) and Residential (105) carpet installation standards are the only carpet installation standards created and supported by the industry.

In 2015, the CRI convened industry leaders to update Commercial (104) and Residential (105) standards to address innovations that require new approaches to carpet installation, particularly planning and subfloor preparation. These changes reflect the industry’s ongoing dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.

CRI offers the standards for viewing online and as a free download for tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.

CRI 104 Carpet Installation Standard for Commercial Carpet

CRI 105 Carpet Installation Standard for Residential Carpet